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What age is the best to start training?It is difficult to provide a specific age, as all kids are different. We recommend 7 years of age as a good starting point for beginner children. Although it does depend on the child, we've found this age to work for both the student, other students, and instructors.
Which Classes Are Best for Beginners?New beginners are expected to attend the Monday and Wednesday (5:45-6:30) night beginner classes before moving on to any other class. This is to make sure they are properly taught basic techiques so they can progress at an appropriate pace. Beginning students who attend either Intermediate, Advanced, or Mixed classes before they are ready will get "lost" and not receive the instruction they need and deserve. Once permission is granted, a student may attend ANY class offered during the week (without limit on the number the classes). Consistent attendance breeds perfection of technique! A student may attend the Advanced class by invitation only.
How Much Do Classes Cost?We have maintained the same prices at the dojo for over 10 years, in line with our non-profit educational foundation's objectives to make the art form of JKA Shotokan karate open and available to the public. Monthly fees are $85 for students and $95 for adults. Additional family members from the same household receive a 50% discount off tuition. All students also pay the annual $80 dues to the dojo, collected at the beginning of the year or at time of registration. Testing fees are $35 for kyu ranks. Testing for Shodan and above is based upon JKA-published rates at the time of the exam. A free beginner uniform ("GI") comes with registration. Additional uniforms can be purchased from the dojo. Special order gi can also be ordered through the dojo during times when a group order is placed.
Can Parents Train with their Kids?Yes! We highly encourage it! Many parents first discover Shotokan Karate when sitting in the waiting area watching their own children training. If you are going to be there anyway, why not get some exercise? Others find that training with their children is a very fulfilling and bonding experience that can be shared as a family.
Are Their Contracts?We have no contracts. However, all dues and fees are expected to be timely paid, out of sign of respect for the dojo. All dues/fees are used to maintain the dojo and expand our training with guest instructors and training camps. Invoices for tuition are sent via email and are expected to be paid by no later than the 1st of the month they are due.
How Long Until I Get My Black Belt?In JKA Shotokan karate, the black belt (Shodan) rank is recognition of hard effort, good spirit, understanding and demonstrating proper martial technique, and having the proper attitude. A black belt is not the end; it is simply the beginning. Most modern martial arts schools emphasize testing as a way to generate income for the instructors and their program, which is understandable. However, the SKC dojo, as an educational non-profit, focuses first upon the preservation of the art form itself, and seeks to support students and their families who understand and appreciate that karate training is a lifestyle. There are 10 ranks (kyu) which must be achieved in order to be eligible to test for Shodan (1st Black Belt). Kyu ranks are identified by colored belts that students wear. While we have kyu rank exams approximately every 3-4 months, there is no pressure to test. However, there is also no promise of success, either. Sometimes testing and failing is a better life lesson in both perseverance and delayed gratification, both of which are sorely lacking in modern day American society.
How Old is Too Old to Start Training?Honestly, there is no such thing. While there is an inherent risk of injury in activities such as martial arts, the only limiting factor is a belief that you cannot do it. Good spirit (KI) is one of the fundamental building blocks of a karateka of any age. For those adults who found life, work, family and other demands interrupted their prior training, there is no age beyond which you cannot "empty your cup" and start anew, with a "beginner's mind." Any adult who begins or restarts Shotokan training will find their energy for life rekindled with newfound confidence, and their passion to train their body, mind and spirit renewed.
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